


This is the easiest way to get started running the tests. The test runner will try to find all local browsers it supports and run the tests on them (headlessly when possible). Note that on top of having the browsers (eg Firefox) installed, you also need their webdriver installed (eg Geckodriver).

  • Install the test requirements using pip install -r tests/requirements.txt.
  • Install arsenic itself pip install -e ..
  • Run pytest.



This will pull a massive (1GB+) docker file. Make sure you have the bandwidth and disk space for this.


Explicitly specify drivers

The test suite will try to find the webdrivers and browsers automatically, but sometimes this will fail. You can specify the location of the drivers yourself via the following environment variables:

  • GECKODRIVER_BINARY: Path to the geckodriver
  • CHROMEDRIVER_BINARY: Path to the chromedriver
  • PHANTOMJS_BINARY: Path to phantomjs
  • IEDRIVERSERVER_BINARY: Path to IEDriverServer.exe

Only run tests on one browser

Use the -k flag of pytest to select a specific browser. For example, to only run on chrome, use -k chrome_session.

Testing remote drivers

The test suite is set up to test remotely via Browserstack. To do so, set the following environment variables:

  • BROWSERSTACK_API_KEY: Your Browserstack API key.
  • BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL_IDENTIFIER: Identifier for your build.
  • REMOTE_BROWSER: A JSON encoded object. It requires at least the "type" key, which is the name of the browser class
    in arsenic. All other keys will be passed to the arsenic browser class.
  • REMOTE_SERVICE: URL to the remote service executor. Include the username/password here. Eg https://<user>:<pass>@hub.browserstack.com/wd/hub

Adding a new browser to test

Open the file tests/conftest.py. Add an extra function to the params list in the pytest.fixture decorator call for async def session. The function should be an async context manager, which takes the root url to the app to test as an argument and yields a Session.