``arsenic.webdriver`` ##################### .. py:module:: arsenic.webdriver .. py:class:: WebDriver Class representing a webdriver. You should not create instances of this class yourself, instead let :py:func:`arsenic.get_session` or :py:func:`arsenic.start_session` create and manage one for you. .. py:method:: wait(timeout, func, *exceptions) Coroutine which waits for up to ``timeout`` seconds for the coroutine function ``func`` to return a truthy value, calling it repeatedly. If the coroutine function ``func`` raises an exception given in ``exceptions``, it is ignored. If ``func`` returns a truthy value, it is returned to the caller of this method. :param int timeout: Timeout in seconds. :param func: Callback which checks if the condition is met. :type func: Coroutine function taking no arguments and returning a truthy value if the condition is met. :param Exception exceptions: Optional exceptions to ignore.